The Oxford City Green Party team is a group of like-minded local residents, committed to improving Oxford’s social and environmental justice. If you’d like to join the team, please visit our current list vacancies.
David Thomas is our local chair. He lives in Oxford and works as an environmental engineer in the UK and emergency engineer with the British Red Cross specialising in provision of sanitation in refugee settings. Strong interest in homelessness issues, climate change and sustainable development goals.
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Alongside a career in the voluntary sector, Sarah has campaigned on social justice and environmental issues for many years. Now retired, she is a community mediator and is currently studying for a masters degree at the Centre for Alternative Technology.
Born, raised and educated in Scotland, Bob has been living in Oxford for over forty years. He worked as a teacher in secondary schools, an education adviser with OXFAM, and as lecturer in Education Studies at Oxford Brookes University. He was an active trade unionist in his work, acting as a representative for NUT, NATFE and UCU.
A lifelong socialist, Bob left the Labour Party many years ago. He joined The Green Party the morning after the US presidential election of 2016.
Jane is the first point of contact for new volunteers, welcoming them to the team, helping them link up with the wider local party and get plugged into the right project or campaign.
Jane worked for many years as an academic researcher in Social Sciences. Alongside that she was an acupuncture practitioner. Now retired, she is actively campaigning on the climate and ecological emergencies, and for electoral reform.
Tamsin and Heather job-share the role of communication co-ordinator. They are responsible for generating content and news stories for our website and assisting our councillors with press statements