Campaigning, meetings, public events – find out about Oxford City Green Party’s latest activities below and come and join us.
Help get Emily and Emma elected in East Oxford!
We need help with doorknocking and leafleting to get more Greens on Oxfordshire County Council.
Training and lunch provided – sign up below for the location and full details:
Help get Chris elected in West Oxford!
We need help with doorknocking to get more Greens on Oxfordshire County Council.
Training and lunch provided – sign up below for the location and full details:
Help get leaflets out to Oxford city centre colleges – join us in the Covered Market from 10:30am on Saturday 22nd.
Help get Emily and Emma elected in East Oxford!
We need help with doorknocking and leafleting to get more Greens on Oxfordshire County Council.
Training and lunch provided – sign up below for the location and full details:
Help get Emily and Emma elected in East Oxford!
We need help with doorknocking and leafleting to get more Greens on Oxfordshire County Council.
Training and lunch provided – sign up below for the location and full details: